III. Cichorieae
(1) Cichorieae and Asteraceae in general (2) Chondrillinae (3) Cichoriinae (4) Crepidinae (4a) Taraxacum (5) Hieraciinae (6) Hyoseridinae |
(7) Hypochaeridinae (8) Lactucinae (9) Microseridinae (10) Scolyminae (11) Scorzonerinae (12) Warioninae |
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Kashin A. S., Popova A. O., Kochanova I. S., Ugolnikova E. V. & Polyakova Yu. A. 2015: некоторые пагаметры системы семеиного размножения видов Сhondrilla (Asteraceae) нижнего поволжъя [Some parameters of the seed reproduction system in populations of Сhondrilla (Asteraceae) species in the Lower Volga region]. – Bot. Zhurn. 100: 828–840.
Kashin A. S. Petrova N. A., Shanzer I. A., Kondratyeva A. O., Shilova I. V. & Parkhomenko A. S. 2018: Изменчивость морфологических параметров некоторых таксонов Chondrilla (Asteraceae) европейской России связи с их систематикoй [Variability of morphological parameters of some Chondrilla (Asteraceae) taxa in European Russia in context of their taxonomy]. – Bot. Zhurn. 103: 1407–1436. // ➪ //
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McVean D. N. 1966: Ecology of Chondrilla juncea L. in south-eastern Australia. – J. Ecol. 54: 345–365.
Nasseh Y. 2010: A revision on the genera Chondrilla and Heteroderis (Asteraceae) in Iran. – Iran. J. Bot. 16: 91–95.
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Woellner R., Bräuchler C., Kollmann J. & Wagner T. C. 2021: Biological Flora of Central Europe: Chondrilla chondrilloides (Ard.) H. Karst. – Perspectives Pl Ecol. Evol. Syst. 54, 125657: 1-20. // ➪ //