(3) Cichoriinae

III. Cichorieae

(1) Cichorieae and Asteraceae in general

(2) Chondrillinae

(3) Cichoriinae

(4) Crepidinae

(4a) Taraxacum

(5) Hieraciinae

(6) Hyoseridinae

(7) Hypochaeridinae

(8) Lactucinae

(9) Microseridinae

(10) Scolyminae

(11) Scorzonerinae

(12) Warioninae

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Crawford D.J., Moura M., Borges Silva L., Mort M. M. Kerbs B. Schaefer H. & Kelly J. K. 2019: The transition to selfing in Azorean Tolpis (Asteraceae). – Pl. Syst. Evol. 305: 305–317. // ➪ //

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